Guests Martial Arts Timetables
For ease of use we have separated all classes into their own timetable below the main timetable. For example Fitness Kickboxing has its own timetable near the bottom of this page. The absolute best part about our timetables is you're never locked into a specific day or time, you're free to move around to whatever class suits you, and once you've joined you can easily change your booking on the school app.
Complete timetable with all classes and times displayed
Ninja Stars 5 - 6 - 7
An incredible 10 classes each week to choose from and if they've had a rough day just come along tomorrow instead, no problem at all
Samurai Warriors 8 - 9 - 10
An amazing 17 classes each week that you can choose from and move around between according to your needs that day
Junior Adults 11 - 12- 13- 14
11 class times each and every week so you can easily fit classes into your busy schedule
Young Adults 15 - 16 - 17
A 90 minutes class every day we are open for our Young Adults, you choose each week which ones work best for you. Swap and change as you like.
Adults 18+
Three daytime and four evening classes every single week making it easy to get along for classes. All adults classes are 90 minutes long.
Fitness Kickboxing 15+
Sixteen classes a week to choose from, something more important comes up just come along another day no problem at all
BJJ 18+
Three 90 minute classes every week... hey we're working on it :-)