Meet Our Team Of Instructors |
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We’re a welcoming group that are passionate about what we do, and this is your chance to get a feel for who we are before you even step into our school for your first trial class.
Experience levels range from five to over thirty five years of study and when added up over one hundred and fifty five years in Japanese Jujutsu alone. When you combine that into a total of the nine different martial arts we have collectively studied it must be close to two hundred years. As a group we have experience in Japanese Jujutsu, BJJ, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, Vovinam, Taekwondo and Aikido.
Recently, for the 18th time since 1990, I traveled to Japan for more training. The last time I was here was just before the pandemic hit so it's been about 5 years. Somethings have changed and somethings have remained the same. Out of respect for their time and privacy I rarely get photos with my teachers but decided this time to ask and as you can see below Someya Sensei was kind enough to allow my request.
A lot of the adult students at our school have dan ranks in many different styles, so if you have trained in other systems before but feel like a change you'll fit in pretty well. As you can see we encourage our staff and students to train in other martial arts and welcome people from other schools or interstate or international visitors as well. If you're in Melbourne call and make a time to come along for a class we don't charge people that travel to get here to attend a one off session.
More profile photos coming soon.
Experience levels range from five to over thirty five years of study and when added up over one hundred and fifty five years in Japanese Jujutsu alone. When you combine that into a total of the nine different martial arts we have collectively studied it must be close to two hundred years. As a group we have experience in Japanese Jujutsu, BJJ, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, Vovinam, Taekwondo and Aikido.
Recently, for the 18th time since 1990, I traveled to Japan for more training. The last time I was here was just before the pandemic hit so it's been about 5 years. Somethings have changed and somethings have remained the same. Out of respect for their time and privacy I rarely get photos with my teachers but decided this time to ask and as you can see below Someya Sensei was kind enough to allow my request.
A lot of the adult students at our school have dan ranks in many different styles, so if you have trained in other systems before but feel like a change you'll fit in pretty well. As you can see we encourage our staff and students to train in other martial arts and welcome people from other schools or interstate or international visitors as well. If you're in Melbourne call and make a time to come along for a class we don't charge people that travel to get here to attend a one off session.
More profile photos coming soon.
Full Time Staff at GMA
Part time Staff at GMA
Name: Elisa
Year Started Ju jutsu Training: 2004 (age 5) Other Martial Arts Studied: BJJ, Boxing, Muay Thai Favorite School : Takagi Yoshin Ryu Ju jutsu Favorite Weapon : Bo (6 Foot Staff) and Sword Current Career : Bachelor of Exercise, Post Graduate in Rehabilitation & Sport Analytics Favourite Food : Hot Chips Coffee Order : Cappuccino |